5 Short Tips When You Become Backend Engineer

backend engineer hard? try my tips and tricks.


Right now I currently work as a backend developer in my company. Its really awsome if i can share my experience with you some tricks and tips I’ve learned along the way when i become backend engineer in my company. Alert! These are based on my experiences as a backend engineer so lets dive into it 😃.

1. Read API documentation

When youre come to some company you gonna end up with code that written by someone else, unstructural code, some weird comment on some code and also some problem or many problem :v. Don't worry This is all normal. but the things you have to do firstly isnot to fix that, But to read the API documentation of your application. Learn by Reading the document of your company is knowing you flow of your company. So its the first tips you have to do when you become Backend Engineer in your company.

2. Testing Your API ROUTE

Speaking of the backend, of course, you're going to end up working with APIs, let’s talk about Postman. Some of you already know it or mybe not, shortly postman It’s an software that helps you test, design, and build your APIs. Before any frontend engineer blames you for non-working APIs 😩,

Do test everything in Postman first. You can get, send, and even update your data there. Postman is easy to use and lets you organize your routes in folders for easy access later and even you can share your postman file to json and send it to your teamate or even work together there.

3. ngrok

Once your code is done and tested, how do you share it with your frontend team? Should you set up your own testing domain? Should you buy it? Should you deploy it?

the answer is NOPE ❌

That’s where n g r o k comes in. It’s a tool that makes your localhost accessible on the internet with a temporary public URL. This is very crucial for backend engineers working closely with frontend teams. Just remember, don’t use it for phishing—you’ll get banned ⚠️.

4. Always use git

Git, especially GitHub, is a must-have for any programmer, not just backend developers. If you have Git it will tracks every change you make, making it easy to revert to previous versions with fast. dont said that you still ctrl+z every file in your vscode 🗿. In my company, GitHub is a lifesaver. If your latest production build fails, you don’t need to undo all your changes manually. Just revert to your last commit and start from there. So Git is essential when collaborating with other developers.

5. Use AI ✨

Last Tips from me is Don’t be arrogant about not using AI. This era AI isn’t here to replace us asa programmer but to HELP us. Programmer not using AI is, frankly, silly. You have technology exists to help you as programmer and build better applications. Why youre not use it ? use it to assist you in your work.


Whether you agree with me or not, these are some recommendations based on my experience as a backend engineer. Hopefully, these tips help you on your journey. Happy Coding 🚀.